
Saturday, March 07, 2009

If you aren’t facing Challenges you are not Learning

Its true if you aren’t facing a problem you aren’t learning.

You are busy learning the new catia software, you are going smoothly in all your tutorials. But as you progress through your tutorials do you feel “am I learning something new, am I growing. Am I facing a problem that I wanted to solve.”

If you are not hindered by a problem you aren't growing. Solving a problem, is the best way to grow and learn.

I have always said that real learning only comes when you are working on a real time projects and are facing the day to day real challenges.

My CAD learning accelerated when I was assigned on a real life project of CAD modeling of mixed flow compressor. Previously I was learning the solidworks software with tutorials in my spare time, but the real lessons I learnt came when I faces some real problem working on modeling that compressor.

The constraints of the projects presents you to try out new things. So always challenge yourself. Always strike to work on a problem. This is the only way you will truly learn a tool or a subject.

If your boss or mentor in your training period is not giving you any challenging and interesting work. Give yourself interesting assignments, put restrictions and work on something that do have real value for you you or others.

Do the tutorials but make them hard. Put your own constraint. The barriers you put might be of time based or resource based. This will help you grow.

Time constraint is the easy one. You can say you will complete a certain job in 10 minutes. The resource based constraint can be that in your next modeling project you will not use the toolbars shortcuts at all. Or you can say that you will do the next modeling of the FEA model by scripting. You can put a restriction that in your next tutorial you will not touch the mouse.

So by limiting the time or putting restriction on the tools that you can use you can challenge yourself to solve the problems. This will only help you grow.

Try it. It really works.
