
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why General Budget and this things are important

As interim general budget is being presented, I sat in front of my TV, thinking of what this means to us, the AeSI engineers. Well I have no idea. But one needs to find this out. Why you ask?

As Indian aerospace industry is going global and more and more of AeSI engineers are making a mark in aerospace industry, every word that the finance minister says do affect us, even when we are oblivious to it.

Being in the not known doesn't means we are immune to what things are happening. So take active interest in this stuff.

Yes I agree, Malika Sherawat's moves in her next movie, Shah Rukh khan’s next movie and slumdog millionaire’s success at the Oscars are more interesting topics to chat over around the coffee machine but not learning and keeping up with what's happening in the industry is one bad move that one shouldn't make

As stated in AIAA’s article Actions that will take your career ahead you need to keep tab on the industry we are in.

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