
Monday, February 02, 2009

Miss Pooja

miss-pooja she is the phenomenon that's taking Punjabi music industry by storm. And as this post might suggest I'm fan of her music and do love most of her songs. I believe that she embodies the principle of cranking to the hitch.

If you don’t know what I mean by cranking then go read this. Yes go I will wait….

She has more than 500+ songs and has 80+ albums out there. She is the only lady singer of Punjabi music scene who has sung with most of the artist.

One thing I like about her is that when she knows she is good. She is just cranking one song after another. Some of them are mediocre but some are great but what is happening is that she is improving in each of her songs and this continuous churning is letting her experiment.

So what can one learn from her. If you want to be the best in anything keep working on it. Keep churning. Put in effort everyday and crank out everyday. Don't bother about the quality very much see if its good enough. Get cranking. If its a race between Quality vs quantity, Choose quantity in the beginning, quality will follow. This is how one will improve. I am following in the same technique with this blog.

I know how true this quality vs quantity is for Miss Pooja!


And now you can hear and see some of her Punjabi songs in below video

Click here to see the video