
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Something I learnt while writing for 30 days regularly

Sometimes its not the big thing that I have to write. Today do not feel like writing but still I took up the task. I have made a promise to myself and I am carrying through it.

Its been continuous 30 plus days that I have kept the habit of writing regularly. There were 3 main stages till now that I experienced.

Beginning was easy as my enthusiasm carried me forward. There was not much of am effort and I managed to get write fairly well, then came the stage when I thought I need to produce world class content.

Yes making post perfect before I published them entered my mind and this is the phase I struggled as I kept delaying writing and had to lay back and its only because of Sundays that I was able to cope up with the task of posting regularly. This phase forced me to establish some routine and processes so I could get decent output from myself.

Now I have crossed and realized that the blog is mine and I need to grow it and if people read it they read it because of my views so lately I have made some opinioned posts. Instead of writing perfect post now I am concentrating on things that I feel are important, that I need to make a difference and things the AeSI community will benefit at large

Best thing I have learnt in all this is that during the initial stages when your enthusiasm is high, set up some processes, establish some routines or setup your work habits so that once you cross the initial stage you do not fall back to your old ways and don't let off the momentum. Utilize your enthusiasm to build on the momentum.

Don't let yourself down. If you miss doing a things don't hang on to it try and do it again. This is how I have been able to sustain by writing everyday.

My friends who read this wonder how I find so much time. 15 minutes a day and a commitment to put in the time is all it takes.

Are you putting in your 15 minutes of time?

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