
Monday, February 16, 2009


As I wrote that I am posting this blog for the last 4 years in my last post here, the realty sunked in. 4 years is a long time. This is the 5th year I am running this blog. This bog has grown with me and has seen my journey from section a to section b to training and getting a job. Personally it witnessed my love life, getting married and having a bundle of joy. so I just went back to my achieves and cranked this two graphs after some number crunching.





The first graph shows the no of post that I made for all the years and the second graph gives a glimpse of the total postings month wise.

2008 was the year I learnt the most and did posted the most. This year I hope to surpass 2008 and aim to add some more focused valuable content that will benefit the AeSI community at large.

For anyone interested, below is the total archive of the posts so far.

If you like what you see you can subscribe it here to get all this in your email.