
Thursday, October 09, 2008

I am doing training in NAL but still confused!

A week back someone who is working in NAL as a trainee sent mclip_image001e this query!

I got my degree certificates and presently am in C-CADD working on aerodynamics calculations,am here in NAL since April 15, please guide me what should I do now as further am not getting clear way what to do now? Hope u will guide me as per your experience..........

Now what can I advice him?  I don’t have all the answers. If you are reading this please share your opinion in comments.

See just working on aerodynamic calculation is not enough. when you are in training know you goal. Ultimately its all for the job. So have a clear goal while entering into the training phase. Know what kind of work you want to do? or at least have an idea of the work you will like. Pick up software tools, software skills that might be needed and most of all have your resume uploaded in two of the popular job portals.

So my practical advice to him will be these 3 points.

  • He still has time so take stock and decide what you want from training? why you are doing it. Does the training helps in the work he intends to do? Answer this honestly.
  • Secondly make a resume. Post it on at least two job portals. Register and fill in all the details make them visible. And then wait for the job listing to come to you. See what jobs interests you. if something is good. follow through. This exercise will help you see what skills are needed and what your current resume calls for. So take stock and build those skills and aim for that job.
  • Learn some software. They are necessary. I know I always say that software's are just tools, but still  software is one of the reason AeSI folks go for training. Yes even if you choose no design or analysis job you need to learn ms office especially excel and word. So learn them.

Don't make any excuse... its your career you have to ride it to the destination!!!!   Well this are 3 things I will tell an AeSI guy doing training. What is your opinion?