
Friday, October 10, 2008

How to become more consistent like the Australian cricket team?

its raining outside. raining lightly but consistently. it was raining when I woke up at 2 in the night and its raining now. As i peek out of my window,I can see the pecks of rains running down illuminated by the street light.

This reminds of the matches that are to be played between India and Australia and one thing that Australian team emanates is being consistent.

One lesson that I draw from them is to be consistent. Consistent in your performance. How can one become consistent in performance. Even the Indian cricket team fails to do that but look at the Australians. they are the most consistent cricket team of the world. Consistent in winning, day after day, match after match. How do they do that ? what helps them to beat the odds, what makes the team to deliver so consistently?

I think I know apart of the answer. some came to me as I was reading and the other came by following Shane Waugh's team of IPL. He lead the Rajasthan royals to victory and did very impressive job building a team of consistent players.

So what are the factors that we can apply in our life to be consistently productive and efficient.

The whole idea of consistency does not depend on being perfect but on being regular. Lets say I want to be consistent in posting to this blog. Sometimes I post 7 articles a week and in some I barely manage 2. Its not consistency. So to be more productive and consistent in my posting. I have lowered my bar and now I have made a pact with my self that I will post at least 5 articles per week. So that amounts to one post for each weekday.

Setting this limit and now all I have to do is write one post a day and if I do this, I know I will be consistent.

Same can be applied to your studies. As mentioned in this tips for study, commit to your mind that you will study for at least one hour a day. This is the minimum that you will put in no matter what and if you follow it, you will see that everyday you are making more progress. In my AeSI days I saw that someday I was ultra productive and did 8 hours of study and on some days I barely opened my books. What was lacking was consistency. so I set a minimum 1 hour of study limit and that did wonders. when I knew I have to study one hour, I out performed my previous weekly average. Moreover as time went I slowly and steady increased my minimum bar.

Same happened when I had wanted to brush up my skills, I did set a 30 mins limit for practicing Nastran after my regular work at NAL and I quickly mastered it.

The secret of consistency is regularity, setting up your minimum effort and then doing it no matter what.