
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tips for AeSI graduates for getting employed

In this series I am taking about steps that AeSI graduate or students can take so that they are employable once they completed their degree. This is part 4 of the series. You can read the previous 3 parts here, here and here.

What’s in demand is good but is it enough to get you into the aerospace industry? Training and experience is another factor. After AeSI, it takes at least 2+ months to get a job depending upon the profile of a person, this 2 months figure is based on my informal survey among AeSI people I know of. But the main point is not the two months what you need to do.

Well as stated before; begin your career planning in the beginning of your last semester. This is the time when you need to think where and what you want to be in the booming aerospace industry. You know your strengths. How you can add value to the company that will employee you. Yes you have the skills but are they applicable out of the textbook, here training in NAL, GTRE, HAL and anywhere you can get comes handy. I had mine in NAL and this has increased my skills many fold. It not only rejuvenated my propulsion knowledge but also polished my programming skills and added CAD skills to my repertoire.

Training has two advantage, one it helps you understand what the industry will be like when you are in, you can see that skills are okay but how to handle people and deadlines also come into being. Second thing is that it will make your skills more marketable. A person with catia and hypermesh skills and a person who has worked on catia in a live project is far more attractive to the recruiter.

My friend and I have this theory that if you want to learnt a cad or analysis software. You can do hundred tutorials but you will truly learn the software when you do a real life project. This is the one where you have no guidance and you are on your own and you get to learn the small things that a tutorial and book learning can never mention or show.

So apart from your skills, get trained. It might be in NAL or any other organizations which provide adequate facility for the AeSI people. And you don't have to wait for AeSI’s training call. You can begin this on your own initiative and give yourself a head start. Truly this is one thing that I will recommend every AeSI new graduate. I have written many more posts regarding how to get trained? Or things to consider before getting training do read them.

This series is not about my ranting about what I feel, I want you to take active part in it, suggest your suggestion. Tell us your five points so that AeSI students and graduates are more employable !!!