
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

AeSI exams results awaited- few tips for next semester

AeSI results is what all the AeSI students will be waiting for now. And many of you might have begun studying for the next semester. So I thought I will share some of the tips so that the next semester is more fruitful and productive for all of you.

My most productive semesters were the once in which I had made clear cut goals or targets. While in section-B I took up propulsion-1, propulsion-2, propulsion-3 and aerodynamics as my subjects. This were tough subjects and whenever I told the choice of subjects to any of my friends they stared at me and I guess laughed behind my back at my foolishness of taking all the tough and big ones at one go. But my task in that semester was simple. I took the subjects thinking that they will be related and then there was the fact that all of them were to be taught by Mr. Natrajan sir. He is the most productive teacher I have seen in my entire life. I mean he used to come at 7am in morning and then used to continue teaching till 9 in the evening. At tea breaks we always used to wonder from where he gets so much stamina or energy to teach. This is when I challenged myself that if I wanted distraction free study then I need to emulate Natarajan sir and I took all his subjects at one go and I cleared all the four subjects that semester with getting the highest marks in propulsion-3 and aerodynamics!!!

Here I want to tell you 3 things that did the magic for me. I used the word magic because like magic this whole thing can be accomplished by some careful planning and preparation.

1. First and foremost was that I took up the class in GIE and never skipped any of the lectures of Natrajan sir. During that time some bhaiya was also giving propulsion classes and majority of students were enrolled for his tuitions, but I kept my focus on Natrajan sir. Yes he doesn’t cover the entire syllabus and sometime miss some of it but I think knowledge is like energy. My best came from the fact that I took the knowledge from Natrajan sir and not from some bhiya. As thermodynamics teaches us. Energy degrades from one from to other so I wanted the purest and so I stayed with Natrajan sir and it really helped. How? See that particular bhiya also studied from him. But what is the most important thing was he was just imparting the knowledge of propulsion while Natrajan sir, with his years of experience was teaching us the same thing but was also sowing the seeds of problem solving. I will write a separate post of the things AeSI students can learn from Natranjan sir latter some time.

2. Plan your study hours. This is one important step. Plan on the numbers of hours you want to put in everyday for your studies. The no of hours shouldn’t be the maximum that you can give. But they should be the minimum that you pledge yourself that you will be able to give everyday no matter what. In my case I knew with no other things to do I could do 7 hours study easily but then this hours I didn’t knew if the classes and other activities will permit me to have them always. So I gave myself 2 hours everyday. Yes 2 hours. This is the minimum I have to give to my studies everyday for that semester. I wanted consistency and this minimum 2 hours gave, me that. I always overshot this hours but knowing that I have put in my minimum hours target for that day helped keeping me positive.

3. Use library extensively. I have written a long article back then of the benefits of library. And if you had been in GIE during that time. You would have always seen me at GIE’s library everyday. This is where my minimum 2 hours were always consumed. Not only it gave me the perfect peaceful and undistracted place to study but having so many reference books at hand increased the breadth of the knowledge that I studied. Please do read the advantages of studying in library that I found then.

So these were the 3 things that every AeSI students can emulate in his or her own study schedule to get the maximum out of this semester. What else do you recommend for a productive semester? Have other tips for studying productivity, do share in comments.