
Friday, July 18, 2008

Feeling depressed or stressed - here's some inspiration

Regular readers of this blog might have noticed i have recently began including PowerPoint presentation in this blog. Here's another presentation that i received as forward. Its good and i believe it will worthwhile to share with you.

Best lessons are of hope. Getting the most out of life. If you are feeling depressed or stressed for any reasons. It might be about aesi results or issues related to job, Just browse through this inspiring presentation.

Loved them they are gems that i have taken the mission to collect and share.

Hope this has helped you to be more positive and more happy?

What else can we learn from this. Apart from the inspiring thoughts, you might like the design and see how the picture and minimal words usage can be so effective. Think how you can use the same techniques in your next presentation.

This presentation's picture and words combination taught me the value of picture, if the pictures weren't there' i don't think the words had the same kind of impact that they have it now? What do you think?

No one can go back and change a bad beginning;
But anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
Is the one that i liked the most. Which slide did you liked the most? Do share your comments.