
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well sometime you get great post from someone in OURAeSI and vladimir mclousky was one of them who has posted some good things in OURAeSI. One of the gem that i enjoyed while in my aesi days is the one i reprinting it here. Its great.

With AMAeSI examination just right the corner, all those who are giving exams do read how to fail your exams!!!

Play it by the ear : No need to plan for the exam.

Don’t revise : If you don’t know it, revision is a waste of time. If you do know it, why bother to revise.

Aim to just pass : No wasted effort needed.

Don’t learn exam techniques : Exams are bad enough without learning techniques as well.

Do not anticipate questions :
You may be wrong and just waste time.

Don’t read previous papers of examination :
Why burn the midnight lamp and waste your oil!!

Just do first five questions : The format hardly matters, all questions are bad anyway.

Don’t worry about the actual questions : Its more interesting to write what you want, and show the examiner, you know the subject what its all about.

Ignore the instructions : They only put you off.

Don’t check the time : You could write a few more words instead.

Never check answers :
There will only be a few minors’ errors.

Always start with introduction and end with summary : That way you can forget about the middle.

If in doubt, waffle : The examiner will probably think you know it all and have done it all.

Be disorganized : You can always get a pen from invigilator.

Don’t bother with question numbers :
It will be obvious which question you are answering.

Have a little drink just before the exam : it helps you relax and prevent you from over stress.

Include a note to the examiner wishing him/her happy year and explain how pressured you have been :
examiners are human and a bit of flattering never goes a miss !!!

cheeeeeeeers and all the best to all of you...

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