
Thursday, May 22, 2008

7 signs of an unprofessional resume

Last evening i had a chance to see resume of one of my friend who graduated recently from AeSI and i was disappointed. These are glaring mistakes that came out of the resume. The guy is an aerospace engineer now, but that resume didn't reflect that.

No wonder he was not getting any response to his resume. And from the response he got, they were offering merge salary. What was the reason, Unprofessional resume presentation!! Yes these were the 3 words that the resume shouted at me when i had a look at it.

So what were the points i noticed.

1> It was not organized and formated properly
2> Entry level resumes should be heavy on education but this one had less.
3> There was no skills section
4> Experience however small was not present
5> spelling and grammatical mistakes in resume.
6> No cover letter
7> What is there for the company?

Well i will elaborate on this points in my next post.

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