
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday links

Skills and tools for Avionics stream students of AeSI

Among all branch of aerospace, i think avionics has one of the highest scope in india. With so many companies in india related to work on aircraft systems. So i asked a avionics senior about the kind of skills an avionics engineer should have.

Read his advice

How important is the field and department before your choose your training?

After AeSI, most of the AeSI folks follow this trend of training, some provided by AeSI and some seek on their own initiative. But in the run to have some training they tend to choose whatever comes their way with disregard to the field and the department....

Read more

I am proud of AeSI and AMAeSI

One thing that i realized while i was doing training in National Aerospace Labs was that i am proud of AeSI and the stuff it has prepared me for. IN aerospace it felt that aesi has prepared me better than any folks i encountered in NAL. Similar is the condition of fellow friend Anupam who went to HAL

Read his experiences and be inspired...