Friday, October 24, 2014

4 Reasons : Why You Should Write

Reason 1 : Writing makes your mind sharper...when you are writing anything ,it makes your mind to think in depth which finally results in such output we got surprise about it.
Reason 2 :Writing makes us to search for the information .we may look for different sources and our knowledge gets improved .
Reason 3 : It makes your BRAND.when you are writing something don't just write ,publish it on any platform like blog or be a guest author on any website .when others are reading your article ,your article create an image about you in their mind so always be sure what you are writing and it can add value  or not.
Reason 4: You can change world .it gives immense satisfaction when your reader approaches you and say that how your article had benefited him/her...
BONUS TIP : if you don't know what to write...? just have pen and paper and let write whatever comes in your don't need to be an expert or great philosopher to write can share your life experience or whatever you have learnt.
A Request : why don't you try writing by sharing with us any of your AeSI experience/industrial experience/job interview...? for my EBOOK for AeSI. Credit for article will be given to you only.
For more info contact :
Modi Priteshkumar Mahendrakumar
M.Tech.(aerospace) IIT kharagpur

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

3 Keys for Happiness

Are you doing what your heart says...?
Are you happy with what you are doing now..?
Are you adding value to whatever you are doing..?

If the answer of any of the above question is NO than you need to think over it.It may be a big stumbling block to your path to success & happiness.

The moment you start doing whatever your heart says ,you don't need to work anymore.You will just start enjoying whatever you do.

The moment you start doing whatever makes you happy,you will feel that time should not stop.let me do it for infinite time.

The success stories clearly shows us how successful persons had added values to this world.By adding values doesn't mean that to do any work differently but by doing in such a way that it will also contribute to others well being.

If every person adds value than this world be definitely  will be much more wonderful living place.

Please Share your thoughts in comment section,

Thank you for reading,

Modi Priteshkumar Mahendrakumar
M.Tech.(aero) IIT kharagpur

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

5 Tips from Father to Son

Recently in Navaratri I was at my home.I used to talk to my dad at his office at evening .During that conservation he gave me some tips for success which I am going to share with you all.Hope you will like that.
Here it goes,

Tip 1 : Never do anything which you can not tell me or by which you feel guilty.

Tip 2 : Have friendship with the persons who are more talented than you.

Tip 3 : whenever you are listening to any suggestion or advice listen if as you are dumbest person .let the heart flow of adviser.

Tip 4 : Listen to everyone's advice but do what your heart say because at the end of the day ,you are the one who is accountable for each result.

Tip 5 :Today when you are going outside everyone will recognize as you are my son but do such thing that tomorrow everyone recognize me as your father.


Have similar tip from your father..?

Please do share with us in comment section.

Thanks for reading.Please don't forget to like and share.

Modi Priteshkumar Mahendrakumar
M.Tech.(aero) IIT kharagpur

Monday, October 20, 2014

Know Your Self

What is the most difficult job in the word..?

And most easy job in the word..?

 if I tell you that both are same than..?

 what will you tell...?

The most difficult as well as most easy job is to know our own self ,what is our inner calling..? In the word of cyberspace where we are connected to every one at the fingertip it has become very difficult to know our own self has been difficult to know our own self unless and until we talk to our own self on regular basis...we must spent at least 10 minutes a day to think about our own self and ones we knew what we want and in what we will find happiness half the battle is won...but more difficult part is to complete other half part.

It requires courage and patience to follow our own heart. hope this had helped you ..

Thanks for reading.

Modi Priteshkumar Mahendrakumar
M.Tech.(aero)-IIT Kgp

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Master Tip for Job Hunt

Are there any jobs in Aerospace..?
I did three mistakes in my life ....1st I took engineering ,2nd is aeronautical engineering and last one is AeSI.
This is what one of my reader told me  but I do not agree with him.

Let me try to explain it here....In this competitive world  its very important to get start our career from anywhere.

Finding a job is like finding a seat in a crowded bus where everyone wants to have seat but most of passengers will wait till the next stop come so someone vacate the seat and he/she capture the seat but you know there are some smart passengers ,even though there is no space to seat they will ask the co passenger to move and in 90 % case he/she gets succeeded to get a place to seat .

It just requires a little attempt.

Even if there is no job in any organization ,you should try to convince interviewer that you will add value to their organization .If job is not there than ask for paid internship ,if its also not there than ask for unpaid internship but somehow manage to have place in the organization .once you are inside it's all upto you how much big you can make out of this.

Have similiar experience...?

Please do share with us in comment section.

Thanks for reading,

Modi Priteshkumar Mahendrakumar
M.Tech.(aero)-IIT Kgp

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