Monday, April 28, 2014

Dassault Systemes Academy : Get access to hundreds of projects and tutorial materials from across the globe.

We would like all AeSI students to register for FREE at Dassault Systemes Academy to get access to hundreds of projects and tutorial materials from across the globe. You could also reference your project and showcase it to the world, invite others to join your project and even find sponsors for your project. You will need a scanned copy of your college Photo-Identification card to complete the registration process. The faculty will be registered as “Educator” and the students will be registered as “Students”.

URL to register :
Facebook Page :

My personal reference : I am more interested in CATIA V6 Systems Engineering. I have registered at the above URL and now I do not need any book to learn in depth about the systems engineering or other technical capabilities of CATIA.

Connect, Learn and Share.
Have a happy learning. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What the avionics industry wants?

"Most recent graduates do not know what industry is looking for!" This is how it all started.

Mr. Rajesh Chaubey was recounting his recent interview experiences with the Alumnus of AeSI. He is an avionics specialist employed at Honeywell with 10+ years of experience.

In the interviews, either the graduates were aeronautical graduates or software programmers. But none had the combinational skills that the avionics industry needs.

So the seeds of the lecture series and industrial tour were sowed.

The avionics and lecture series is an attempt to reconnect avionics in industry to the avionics students and graduates of aesi.

There is more to avionics than DO-178 etc.

So if you are an avionics graduate or are doing section b in avionics stream, don't miss this opportunity. The opportunity to hear from an avionics expert an what the avionics industry wants.

Register now by filling the form at this location.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Avionics Lecture and Industrial tour by AeSIAA

The AeSI Alumni Association is committed to the development of programs designed to bring students and alumni together. Through meaningful interaction between students and alumni, we can inspire learning. With this objective in mind, a dedicated industrial tour is being organized for AVIONICS students to facilitate a better awareness in our students and engineers by reaching them and this require a step-by-step approach.

Today, aviation is playing a vital role in our daily life, and there is a need to think more on the environment, airspace, fuel efficient with safety. There are lots of challenges in the field of Aerospace by considering such factors. The purpose of this talk cum industrial visit is to share some of the best things that we have done so far to save our environment, fly economically without compromising safety aspects,be efficient etc, and we have done our job by making best use of engineering.

The main agenda is as follows.

1. Discussion on the role of Aerospace and Aviation Industry.
2. Industry visit.
3. Training to understand some of the Aircraft cockpit instruments viz. Autopilot, Auto throttle, FMS etc, and most important is ATC rules i.e. flight operation.

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:

Avionics Lecture and Industrial tour by AeSIAA

The AeSI Alumni Association is committed to the development of programs designed to bring students and alumni together. Through meaningful interaction between students and alumni, we can inspire learning. With this objective in mind, a dedicated industrial tour is being organized for AVIONICS students to facilitate a better awareness in our students and engineers by reaching them and this require a step-by-step approach.

Today, aviation is playing a vital role in our daily life, and there is a need to think more on the environment, airspace, fuel efficient with safety. There are lots of challenges in the field of Aerospace by considering such factors. The purpose of this talk cum industrial visit is to share some of the best things that we have done so far to save our environment, fly economically without compromising safety aspects,be efficient etc, and we have done our job by making best use of engineering.

The main agenda is as follows.

1. Discussion on the role of Aerospace and Aviation Industry.
2. Industry visit.
3. Training to understand some of the Aircraft cockpit instruments viz. Autopilot, Auto throttle, FMS etc, and most important is ATC rules i.e. flight operation.

The above areas will be addressed by taking up a series of invited lectures in this area followed by industrial visit. The first talk in this series is being delivered by Shri Rajesh Chaubey, Technology Specialist, Honeywell Technology Solutions.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, contact us at the information provided below.

>Registration and submission of report of the Industrial visit are must.
>A follow up session will be held separately for deserving candidates seeking In-Plant Training/Job etc.
>Confirmation to registered participants will be sent latest by/on 30th April
>There is no registration fee for “AeSIAA-Industrial Tour” and last date of registration is 29th Apr 2014.
>This event is exclusively for AMeSI Students & AeSI alumni (Unemployed) only.

>ONLY a batch of 15 will be taken for Industrial visit however lectures are open to all. >Priority to Industrial visit to members of AeSIAA.

Please fill the online registration form to register for the lectures and the industrial tour.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

AeSIAA placement Drive

Hi All Please fill this fresh AeSIAA form to be part of the placement drive for the AeSIAA/AeSI organised placement drive for aeronautical graduates. No need to post resume with the form, but fill the form and you will receive a template CV, that has to be filled and brought to the venue. Please note, no other resuem will be accepted. Good luck!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Resumes and indicators

Anyone who drives a vehicle knows the importance of turn indicators.

A driver uses it multiple times when on the road. Turn indicators do not directly help in driving but they serve an important function that makes the entrie driving experience safe.

They indicate drivers intentions. Forewarn and make other drivers aware where you are intending to go.

Received 200+ resumes for the placement drive and found that most lack these indicators. All the resumes have all the required percentage, bells and whistles but most lack the clarity on where he or she is heading.

They have cfd, structure, design and everything. Confusing than clarifying

So next time you are updating your résumé, think indicators.

The placement drive will be happening during the last week of May. If you have sent your résumé with the correct subject line, it should be with the place drive team by now. Start preparing.

And if you haven't sent, you still have a chance.

With so many emails to sort, the first preference will be given to graduates who are members of AeSIAA.

Wait for a day or two. There's a task coming your way in connection to the placement drive. Stay tuned.

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