Saturday, October 29, 2005
a request to all aesi members
A contest coming up......
A contest coming up......
Friday, October 28, 2005
October update will be next i guess....
Things i'll say
Saturday, October 22, 2005
U must be wondering
Friday, October 21, 2005
My guide said...
Skills and imagination
Which subjects...
NAL'S library
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Lesson of my life
What motivates me most?
My earnings from NAL
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Learning is not separate from work
Advice to mr har
Mr. man three things he needs to shed
When someone asks me...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
About forum
Someone in ouraesi talked about forum, and my first reaction was i don't think it will run. I speak from previous experience of being the web master of Forums administraTion is full time job and moreover people prefer opening mails than going and logging to a site. This saiD i'll welcome t move.
First november is the deadline
Well guys and gals, if a distinction with the name boeing sounds attractive, then all recent graduates of aesi, send in your resume along with a statement of purpose to Mr. Bishnujee. WHo knows maybe u.ll get lucky! Ist nov is the last date, so hurry!
CLOCTER LAB part ii its 600 mm dia test bed, at some point of time in its development. An impeller in the bed, revolving at 18000rpm, is hammered by a gust of freon or air at a rate of 2.5kg per second, to check, verify or validate its performance. This Thyristor Controlled, variable speed rig is the place i call my office!!
At first glance, clocter lab looks an assemblage of pipes of varied dimenstions with huge motor at one end. The onlooker without knowledge will fail to admire that he is standing near a 375Kw powerhouse that has nursed the centrifugal compressors of this country. From industrial compressor to aircraft comp, each one had been fitted in its 600 mm...
what i did today
Nothing much, one c program, reports modification and an little staring at the htbasic program that sir gave me. He is an expert in it and i would like to replicate this quality of his in c.
NAL equals software part iv
... So go to any CAD institute for software training, but if work experience is your pot of gold, welcome to NATIONAL AEROSPACE LABS!!
NAL equal SOFTWARE part iii
...I'm not saying in NAL no software, but all i want to tell is NAL is not equal software, its equal to practical work, its equal to live projects, its equal to being under top minds of Indian Aerospace experts.
NAL equal SOFTWARE part ii
...making U feel that software is more important than t practical experience one is gaining doing a practical work. One can get software training in any institute but live work, one'll Only get here.
Anybody knowing that i'm doing training in NAL, asks me 'so what work are u doing' and as u reply, they interupt 'that's fine but which software are u using?' making U....
Monday, October 17, 2005
Three things to learn from my boss
I call him boss, actually the proper term is guide. Anyways ist he is a ardent reader. I have never seen him without reading something. Secondly he never remains ideal, always tinkering with something. Thirdly he is enthusiatic about his work.
No goal no NAL
Thinking about training, then think about your goals. If u come here like mr r then u'll be in shock!! U must have a personal well defined goal before u venture coz its not always that u'll get the work u want in training. Keep a goal and stick to it as u go everyday to ur training. This will help kill t idleness that might come due to no work.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
New record on ouraesi
I don't know if u have noticed but in this september ouraesi receive highest no. of messages. It broke previous record of 105 messages set in march 2003 by one message. As this update Is from my mobile, hence brief.
Aesi agm
This time aesi agm is on 2nd december in pune. How i wished i could have gone there but..... well in the next one i'll go and god willing will have a great satisfying job.
Place of familiarity
In NAL u can only get familiar with the tool but true learning comes in two ways, one ur work is related to that tool and other is by joining a course.
Most important lesson....
Most important thing i have learnt in NAL till now is that softwares are just tools, and the work is the core. So learn the core tools will automatically follow. Tool without work is waSte.
Clocter history
Well right now, i practically have no knowledge of clocter and its history. Will keep my eyes and ears open and will write about it here.
Interesting news
Kis's guide has given a lecture opportunity to him on tuesday. This will be his chance to be more visible in NAL and if he does well, he can influence indians MAV program.
Three things i would like to do now
No one thing is i would like to do C programs involving numerical analysis. Second thing is learn and apply batch mode of ansys and thirdly i would like to fuse c with solidworks drawing
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
SolidWorks 2006
SolidWorks Corporation has unveiled for the Indian market, SolidWorks 2006 - the latest version of the 3D mechanical design software it has been shipping for nearly a decade. The product was unveiled at the first SolidWorks World India 2005 user meet in Bangalore.
SolidWorks 2006 features a host of new and unique capabilities to help designers and engineers bring better products more quickly to market, and to more easily transition from 2D to 3D design, the firm claimed. The software includes more than 200 customer-requested enhancements and significant innovations that break new ground in engineering efficiency.
The main features of the package include enhanced performance, new user productivity tools such as Smart Components, new features for consumer product, sheet metal, and machine designers, 3D drawing view and design checker, as well as enhancements to the DWG Series and SolidWorks Office Premium.
With SolidWorks 2006, users can now continue to work in drawings without waiting for drawing views or system graphics to be recalculated, the company said. The release will support the Windows XP Professional x64 edition with a soon-to-be-released service pack. A native 64-bit version of SolidWorks 2006 is expected to ship later this year, promising further performance gains, the firm said.
601 and counting
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Dean IIT Madras.......
Dear Friends,
Here is a personal experience, as well as a moment of national pride, which I want to share with you. Hope you find it worth the time you put in reading it :
"In the middle of 1965 India-Pakistan war, US govt - then a close friend of Pakistan - threatened India with stopping food-aid (remember "PL-480"?). For a food deficient India this threat was serious and humiliating. So much so that in the middle of war, Prime Minister (Late) Lal Bahadur Shastri went to Ram Leela Grounds in Delhi and appealed to each Indian to observe one-meal-fast every week to answer the American threat. As a school boy, I joined those millions who responded to Shastri ji's call. I continued the fast even when the war was over and India became self sufficient in food. Hurt deep by the national humiliation suffered at the hands of the US govt, I had vowed to stop my weekly fast only when India starts giving aid to USA.
It took just 40 years. Last week THE day arrived. When Indian ambassador in Washington DC handed over a cheque of US$ 50 million to the US govt, two plane loads of food, medical aid and other relief materials were waiting to fly to the USA. Time to break the fast? With no bad feeling about the USA, and good wishes for the Katrina victims, this humble Indian feels proud of the distance India has covered in 40 years. Let's celebrate a New India!"
- Vijay Kranti.
Dean - IIT Madras
September update
So September also flew by, here's my update for number of hours spent in NAL on different softwares.
This month, i have logged 103 hours of software time, and this is 23% jump from the previous month.
In my tenths week at NAL, i think i am progressing well. Anyway the major thrust, as anybody seeing me would have concluded came from solid works.
I have extensively did that stuff this time and now even my boss acknowledges that I'm growing with it.
Another highlight of this month was, i have begin my ansys chapter. Will the last week, i have done pretty much everyday logging first ever 10 hours in Ansys.
Another interesting fact was that i haven't touched matlab and fortran this month.
The reason perhaps, i was busy with all this task of compressor building, so had to cope with it.
This month, i feel Tc lagged behind and I've to do it always, so this coming month, I'll make one complete Tc project on thermal cycle analysis of turbojet, turboprop engine.
This program will be a professional one and i would like to make it user friendly, customise able, accurate and use full. I will make this program in spare time and gift the whole program to my guide scientist.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
My ten hours with ANSYS?
Well, for MATLAB, i can say its help is great, i mean great. And i have only used it for 5 hours till now in my life and i can say confidently that given a chance, i will learn the software easily and can make it work the way i want.
But, unfortunately, ANSYS, doesn't come a wee bit closer to it, in terms of friendliness to use.
In my ten hours of its use, i have just now begin to get comfortable with it. The menu's are different, the help is cluttered, commands not presented all at one place and difficult to begin with, are few of its shortfalls.
Unlike matlab's help, which expects you to be novice to it and takes you to the guided tour, ansys, lacks the lucidness, clarity and the initial interest factor for a beginner. Its much easier to begin and learn as you go in MATLAB than this software.
Few enhancement it could include are the first few chapters should be uncluttered, not much links should be provided and in the middle of the chapters do not provide information, not required now, put them at he end.
Well, a striking difference that anyone tinkering with this software will feel is that its passive for most of the time.
This was a striking thing that hit me while using ansys, which in case of matlab is exactly opposite. Matlab it active and very interactive.
Well, not everything was negative in my experience with ansys. Something were very intuitive like using this software it feels like you are setting up a display with all careful, definition and modelling and meshing and the final show is when you see the result. It feels like you are preparing for a magic show, with all those pre-possessing , defining and patient modeling.
The fact that i used, possions ratio, Young's modulus, coefficient of expansion and so forth and actually applied them in a software for analysis was another good thing i enjoyed. I always thought this was the stuff for books to scare us !!!! ( just kidding)
But the ultimate pleasure with this software is when you see your work, hours of modeling and meshing, give you the solution and mostly the animation that you can see.
Imagine making a truss and finding loads in each members automatically and moreover seeing actually how the structure deforms is a pleasure that you need to see to enjoy.
My ten hours with ANSYS?

Well, for MATLAB, i can say its help is great, i mean great. And i have only used it for 5 hours till now in my life and i can say confidently that given a chance, i will learn the software easily and can make it work the way i want.
But, unfortunately, ANSYS, doesn't come a wee bit closer to it, in terms of friendliness to use.
In my ten hours of its use, i have just now begin to get comfortable with it.
The menu's are different, the help is cluttered, commands not presented all at one place and difficult to begin with, are few of its shortfalls.
Unlike matlab's help, which expects you to be novice to it and takes you to the guided tour, ansys, lacks the lucidness, clarity and the initial interest factor for a beginner. Its much easier to begin and learn as you go in MATLAB than this software.
Few enhancement it could include are the first few chapters should be uncluttered, not much links should be provided and in the middle of the chapters do not provide information, not required now, put them at he end.
Well, a striking difference that anyone tinkering with this software will feel is that its passive for most of the time.
This was a striking thing that hit me while using ansys, which in case of matlab is exactly opposite. Matlab it active and very interactive.
Well, not everything was negative in my experience with ansys. Something were very intuitive like using this software it feels like you are setting up a display with all careful, definition and modelling and meshing and the final show is when you see the result. It feels like you are preparing for a magic show, with all those pre-possessing , defining and patient modeling.
The fact that i used, possions ratio, Young's modulus, coefficient of expansion and so forth and actually applied them in a software for analysis was another good thing i enjoyed. I always thought this was the stuff for books to scare us !!!! ( just kidding)
But the ultimate pleasure with this software is when you see your work, hours of modeling and meshing, give you the solution and mostly the animation that you can see.
Imagine making a truss and finding loads in each members automatically and moreover seeing actually how the structure deforms is a pleasure that you need to see to enjoy.
My ten hours in ansys were slow, but after getting results, i know every seconds i spend on it was worthwhile.a great concern really
I totally agree with vladimir. Its a grave concern and it must be stopped. I have faced the same and i would like to tell everyone in who is from aesi and is doing training "don't dig hole for your fellow aesian's, set a good example".
The day i went in NAL for the first time, i felt and i felt it again today through a friend of mine. Please don't dig graves while you are doing training.
What do i mean? I mean don't commit to any training if u are not serious of continuing it, don;t come to training for "...aisse hi kar raha huin, kuch aur karneko nahi hai". This is injurious to everyone including you.
While on training two things have startlingly become clear to me, one aesi graduates are truly knowledgeable and i have heard senior scients acknowledge the fact and the other not so good fact is that aesi folks are not responsible. The first thing my guide scientist said to me as i asked for training under him was, " aesi guys are good but you folks are not trust worthy, i know u will leave any day!, sorry i can't take you.", And i would have easily vanished his remark if i didn't have the knowledge that he is talking from his personal experience.
I was lucky that i could convince my scientist and got this but not everyone gets that and today as i saw the face of one of my acquaintance, who didn't get training just because some few lucky idiots got the chance easily and dumped it when they wanted, without even bothering what repercussions it will have on future persons who seek the training seriously and who need it.
And on the final note, the CTFD head of NAL, i heard said pointing to three students of aesi doing training there,"This is the last batch of aesi in CTFD , i won't take any more"
Life's Little instuction manual
I come here to post some thing that i wanted to do but this post intriged me so much that i am sending it as a gem of ouraesi post to this blog.
Thanks vladimir mclousky. This one is one of your best. keep up the good work.
Life's Little Instruction Book
-: Contributed By :-
[Vinay Kumar]
Have a firm handshake.
Look people in the eye.
Sing in the shower.
Own a great stereo system.
If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
Keep secrets.
Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
Always accept an outstretched hand.
Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
Avoid sarcastic remarks.
Choose your life's mate carefully. >From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
Lend only those books you never care to see again.
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
When playing games with ! children, let them win.
Give people a second chance, but not a third.
Be romantic.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for your convenience, not the caller's.
Be a good loser.
Be a good winner.
Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
Keep it simple.
Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the one's you did.
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
Begin each day with some of your favorite music.
Once in a while, take the scenic route.
Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
Become someone's hero.
Marry only for love.
Count your blessings.
Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
Wave at the children on a school bus.
Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
Don't expect life to be fair.