
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Your opinion will shape the future

Its been more than half a decade that I have left AeSI as a student,
but I still continue my journey with you all via this blog.

My primary motivation in running this blog, is to fill the gap that I
felt during my days in AeSI. I continue the blog in the hope that
somewhere it's helping, Inspiring and guiding someone.

When I began the blog it was out of curiocity. In fact I began 4 blogs
and this is the only one I still continue.

I am planning couple of changes for the blog. So I want to ask you the
reader, what do you want out of this blog?

What do you like about this blog? What do you want to improve ? what
topics to include and not to include?

Your opinion will shape the future of this blog, so please come
forward and send me your comments, remarks and suggestions.

Every opinion matters.

Use the comment field on the blog or reply via email, the blog needs
your opinion in whatever form you like.

And last of all Thank you for Reading.