
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Henry Ford on your career planning

Most of the present acute troubles of the world arise out of taking on
new ideas without first carefully investigating to discover if they
are good ideas. - Henry Ford

Similar thoughts can be expressed for apprenticeship and first job
after AeSI.

Most of trouble in training or first job comes because we take the
first thing that is offered and fail to investigate if the offer with
that particular deparment gels with our career goal.

Investingating means wait. It means mental effort. And so many of us
just latch on the first thing that is offered.

I clearly remember a guy who did his AeSI in propulsion stream but
accepted the offer to work in avionics lab of NAL. His only reason was
that it was the first offer he received and he didn't wanted to miss
the opportunity.

Career planning is not random acceptance of any opportunity that shows
up at your door but a series of well thought out steps. Remeber this
when you embark on your journey after AeSI!!

Good luck

More advice on training/ first job can be found via this link