
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Will I recommend AMAeSI?

Like every year, this time of the year I always get this or similar
query. This year I have got this query more times than I could ignore,
so here's my answer once and for all.

AMAeSI as a BE graduate program is great. It has produced many good
engineers and as AMAeSI graduates in the industry has stated again and
again, that they feel AMAeSI has given them all the knowledge to be
the best in the world.

If you have a doubt about the quality of the program, shed them right
here. Search this blog for "proud AMAeSI" and you will see all
testimonials praising the program.

That being said, "Will I recommend AMAeSI to my younger brother/sister?"

The answer is a big NO!!!

Yes no. No no and no.

Quality of program is one thing. But what really matters is what the
brand is. AMAeSI as a brand is very poor. Partly because of its
distributed nature but mostly because of AeSI!

The governing body which conducts this exams, do not do anything else
for the students and graduates. The body that has the responsibility
of lifting you, here discards you. The body which has to be your
ardent supporter just turns the other way.

And when the Gardner himself has no regards for flowers of his garden,
how can you expect others to respect them.

And yes till now, I have not talked about the passing rate, not about
the erratic question patterns, not about the shabby distant treatment
of students.

So if you are thinking of AMAeSI, just after class twelve. I will urge
you to find a different way. Do not trod this road?

Please search this blog for more info and I hope you will get a fair

Good luck.