
Monday, July 12, 2010

Small projects- why they are important?

If you are following this blog for quite sometimes, you know how much
I am involved in small projects. I try to spend my maximum amount of
free time in such projects.

From cube mesh generator to alumni website, from brouchure design to
creating games for my daughter, from making posters for home to create
excel based expense calculator, I try to devote some time on this
offshoots type of work that I call small projects.

Why small projects are important?
Working in a company brings stucture to our routine. In the intital
period, when there is lot to learn and grasp, things are pretty fast.
But gradually, as one begins to gel into the work and culture of a
company, everything becomes routine. Although we get to do some good
work, but lack of freshness criples our productivity and we begin to

It's here where small projects come in. They provide the randomness.
They provide the required bypass bleed to get things going.

Learning is a constant pursuit and spending time on small projects
enables us keep that spirit of freshness alive.

This is the first post on small projects, will post another one on
what and how to incorporate them in your routine?

Are you working on any of your small personal projects?