
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Paying yourself first in section B

This week we are exploring the concept of paying yourself first. In
the previous post we have discussed why paying yourself first pays,
what does paying first mean in section A and now we will discuss what
does it mean in section B.

Apart from studying for your chosen streams, it means alloying your
time with an hour of practice for your chosen tool.

If you are Reading the blog for long or have read the free Ebook on
myaesi, then you know I suggest that once you enter section B choose a
tool. And devote an hour each day on that tool.

Paying yourself first means, disciplining your mind to do that one of
tool practises each and everyday.

Paying yourself first means, joining online communities relevant to
your interests and participating in them.

Paying yourself first means laying the tracks by way of planning and
then following the plan till it's complete.

Paying yourself first means creating a resume and putting it up on
jobsites to get the idea of what the Market is looking for.

Paying yourself first means studying and developing yourself to get
ready for the Market.

Next we will discuss what does paying yourself first, means in your
first job or in training.