
Thursday, July 08, 2010

6 things not to do in a training?

Training or working in NAL, ADA etc is part of an AeSI graduates life.
This helps you gain the practical experience that AeSI lacks.

So here are top 6 things on my mind that one should not ne doing while
in that phase of life.

1. Don't forget your original intent of joining the training. Always
keep that why in front of you.

2. Don't be complacent. Training is not your final destination, it's
the launchpad to future work. Treat it like that.

3. Don't just see what you are doing daily. See the big picture. See
where your effort fits in the big project.

4. Don't live in a well. Training time is to expand. It's time to
explore. See what others are doing, how they are doing. Learn from them.

5. Don't just use th tools you have. Push them. Push your abilities.
Push what you can do with those tools that are available to you. Push

6. Don't just do your assigned tasks, but create a long term value
with the skills you are gaining. Share the insights you pick with your
daily work. Germinate your pet projects.

Well this are the things I had on mind. I am sure there are many you
might know. So share them here.

If you are in training or are in the hunt of one, you must all the
training related posts on this blog. Find them by hitting the
following link.
