
Friday, June 04, 2010

One simple yet effective way of getting good marks in any exams!!

One of the simplest and very effective and mostly ignored way of
getting good marks in any exams is to avoild silly mistakes.

Yes silly mistakes.

Be mentally prepared to avoid them. That's the only way to handle this

Be it any subject, from fluids to flights, from propulsion to
aerodynamics, being watchful of silly mistakes can make or break your

Before you go for exams and in the week ahead of the exam, train your
mind to be alertful. Train it to think and do the tasks, train it to
filter the mistakes. Train it to be watchful!

This simple mental exercise of keeping an intent of being watchful is
enough to have an alert mind during the examination hall. So begin
today and have successful exams!!

Good luck!!

For more posts on exams and how to tackle amaesi exams search the
following link.