
Sunday, June 06, 2010

How to Make your CV stand out of the crowd?

A job portal sent this email to me today. Sharing the same with you so that you can benefit from this.

Make your CV stand out of the crowd, here's how:

  • Update your Resume: Updating your resume tells recruiters you are interested in a job switch, which increases their interest in you. It also showcases your latest skills, responsibilities, and achievements. For best results your resume should be updated every three months.
  • Have an updated Resume Headline: A specific resume headline that contains key words that employers might be looking for increases your chance of getting recruiters attention quickly. For e.g. a headline "System Architect with 10 years of experience in designing Java Based Enterprise Applications" could attract immediate recruiter attention.
  • Highlight Key Skills: In mentioning key skills, be as specific as possible. For instance, rather than using generic words like 'Sales', it always helps to be specific and say 'Institutional Sales for ABC Product'.
  • Highlight Key Achievements: Mention objective and measurable achievements. For e.g. saying "Increased Sales by 20% over a period of 6 months"instead of "Increased Sales for my Company" could make the recruiter contact you instantly!
  • State Experience Clearly: Recruiters prefer looking at numbers than subjective terms. For instance they would want to look at "15 years of development experience" than "Ample development experience"

Very good points.

so get going and update your resume, even if you are not planning for a job hunt!!