
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Superior credentials vs good interview skills - How to ace your interview?

Come March, April and Interview seasons are on. Companies go out to
hire, to consolidate bench strength or to replace the non performers!!

But what is it that you should possess. Superior credentials or good
interview skills. Ideally the former will do but life is not ideal. So
the the latter is the one which decides the outcome of your job

You might have all the correct training, have worked with the right
customer, but all will come to none if you don't know how to answers
questions in an interview.

Composite training, fem training at iisc, project work with top Indian
scientist will come to a not if you are not able to present them well
in your interview.

Catia sheet metal knowledge, patran's 3D meshing or icem projects will
not help you unless you know how to answer an interview.

So along with having superior credentials, learn more about how to
answer interview question. What to say? How to say it?

Read old posts regarding how to ace your interviews by clicking this
search link. Http://

This post is part of my new series for this month on how to ace your
interviews, so keep your eyes on, more articles are on the way!!