
Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to Send your Resume?

You see an job advert. You then search your email or hard disk for your resume. You modify the dates, mobile number and experience field and send the resume. Well those days when you did that are over.

No longer are the days when your generic all purpose resume can fetch you an interview call? Gone are the days when just by sending your resume, you will guarantee an interview call. Gone are the days when few scribbles in a word document with your name on it was getting you interview calls.

Everybody is sending resume and sending a resume like that takes 5 mins and that fact alone makes that the HR at the other end will get 100’s of resumes. So stop yourself and make sure your resume highlights answers to the following  questions before you hit the send button.

  • Why you are an excellent match for the job?
  • What skills you bring to the organization?
  • Your capacity for doing the work better than other candidates
  • Your ability to solve company or industry problems

If the HR doesn’t see this in your resume in the first two pages, your resume will end up in the recycle bin!!

So before sending your resume, take some time and craft a resume?

Don’t forget to read this