
Friday, February 19, 2010

Section B highlights of December 2009 AeSI results

Section B still has two categories Modified syllabus and unmodified syllabus, so first i will do a provide similar graphs as i did for section A subjects.

Count is the number of students that 


Aerodynamic design and testing and Advance strength of Materials (ASM) has the highest count. This highest pass outs are in this two subjects.

Average is the average of the marks that each of the subjects gathered. It gives and indication of how easy and difficult it is to score in a subject of section B


Average in Section B old syllabus is lower than section A. Maintenance of avionics has the highest marks while avionics 1 had just 50 as its highest.

Among aerodynamics, aerodynamics-2 is higher than aerodynamics 1. In propulsion, propulsion 3 leads while propulsion 1 is the lowest.

Average marks in propulsion subjects are less than 55%, much lower that core aerodynamics subjects.


Maximum marks obtained in each subject



Mathematics 3 tops with 93 marks. Those are good marks. thermodynamics topped for section A, ASM and aerodynamics 1 are close second.

In propulsion subjects 1 2 and 3 , highest marks is not even crossing 68 that was the lowest highest mark in any subject in section A new syllabus!!





This one is new and not present in section a results but is important. Here’s how?

Median is the middle. In maintenance of avionics instruments, 50% of the people who pass got 81 or above marks.. See this statistics to know what marks you need to get to be well above 50% of the passing students.

As you can see many people just passed, as last few subjects in the above graph showing 50! The poor performance of propulsion is evident in this.


Standard deviation.


This one is new and not present in section a results but is important. Here’s how?

The higher the standard deviation, the higher the fluctuation. If we compare Sachin’s and Shewag’s younger days career for same period of time, we will notice that Sachin has low deviation while Shewag has high standard deviation. What this mean,  low standard deviation means its consistent. So sachin was much more consistent than Shewag!

Similarly here the subjects having low standard deviation means that the subjects consistent  average marks for those who passed the subject.

A zero deviation means the subject is consistent and most of the people got average marks.

Highly fluctuating subjects were... Mathematics 3, ASM, Aerodynamics 1 and VMD!! They produced results from that varied from 50 to the highest marks.


Well that's it for today. Hope you will find value in this number and will gain some additional insight on the numbers and will plan your studies with it.


Do let me know what do you think of this numbers and graphs.

Cheers. Section B un modified syllabus will be the next instalment.


Anyone have PDF of last semester’s results, i would love to compare the results.