
Thursday, July 23, 2009

AeSI, Education and AeSI's aerospace eng

A recent mail of bishujee prompts this post. In the mail Bishnujee
asks students and graduate to not to post just the negatives of aesi.
I can understand his concern. There is also positive side of aesi. In
fact, in this blog I have posted writing of many aesi engineers, who
have hailed aesi and it's education.

I do love amaesi and I am proud of it. And I see lots of aesi
graduates do share the similar sentiments.

It's this degree and education that enables me to work for the world
second engine manufacturer. It's with the same education that i see
lot of aesi aerospace engineers doting all the major and minor
aerospace companies of India and world.

Aesi engineers are everywhere from Airbus, Rolls-Royce, HAL, NAL,
ISRO, Boeing, NASA, satyam, TCS, infosys, ansys, Honeywell, GM, GE,
Goodrich, Altair..... you name any aerospace firm and look around you
will find an aesi aerospace engineer!!

From CAD to CAE, from CFD to design, from avionics software
development to performance, every field is covered by aesi. From top
to bottom, aesi enginners are making there mark.

Click on the following links to find all those posts where aesi
aerospace engineer at some point of their career declare "we are proud
of aesi!!!"

Please share your positives experience about aesi here.

As I have already mentioned earlier. Always remember, if you don't
respect your degree, no one else will!!!