
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Which software to learn?

So many times i get this query from aesi and engineering students.

Which software should i learn?

My answer to them is do whatever you are passionate, if design is what you have a natural bent, then go for a cad program that you can lay your hands on. And if your creative juices flow at the site of analysis software, then go ahead grab the next analysis software that you can and begin.

But if you don't know where your passion lies then go ahead explore. Try design software that comes your way or grab that analysis software your friend it working on. Whatever you do, get moving and explore all the options that you can find. Who knows what sticks and you finally discover your passion.

But what if you know you want but you don't have access to any software. Well then get excel and learn it. This is one software that you will be using in whatever job you do so get excel and put it to use. You will thank yourself that you did it.