
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday links – Start Edition

Each week on Saturdays from now on, I will be presenting 5 links from around the web. This links will be the stuff that I read and liked during that week.

So lets start.

Slack: Seth Godin’s great suggestions to use the spare time that this recession and economic downturn presents to us. As always great advice for anyone who cares.

Make your own road : Rashmi Bansal has this message to the graduating class of 2009.

Treat the next 2 years as if enrolled for another degree. Awarded by the University of Life. Strive to learn, to grow, to polish the rough edges. Make friends with the salesman, the doorman and the chairman. Good relationships can take you a long long way

Selected DOS games : I love games and here are a selection of games developed for the trusty old DOS system.

Jump to a New Career with a Killer Resume and Plan : his one an old link that i wanted to share for it having some good advice just for everyone who is looking for a job.

The most powerful word is no : Learn to say No and reads the reason in this post.

That it folks.

Its not over yet, if you have some cools links that you want to share, then the comments are all yours. Pour them in.