
Friday, March 06, 2009

Take a Test

The best way to see how much you have learnt, how you are progressing is to take a test.

I did this often in my AeSI days. In fact this was what my Mathematics teacher in class X,XI and XII did when he gave us 3 problems to solve before he began his class. I learnt more from his revision technique than anything else. If you also want to employ it in your studies then read How to study mathematics.

Why taking a test is so successful? It not only keeps you informed about your progress but doing that helps your brain to stay away from the routine and it keeps your brain cells some exercises.

So take test as often as you can, close your books and take up a mental stock of the concepts you learnt. How they fit in your life? How can you explain them to your younger sibling?

The best question to see if you have really understand the concept of something then just answer yourself mentally how will you explain the concept to your grand mother?

I did this exercise a lot and many concepts that I explained through this mental exercise are still intact in my mind. Explain the working of gas turbine engine, What is FEM, explain oblique and normal shock waves, what is moment of inertia were some of the topics that I employed this trick.

So carry on this exercise next time, when you begin your study, take a simple test and mentally rehearse what you learnt in the particular subject the previous day!!!

This was one of the tricks that I employed? Share what you do?

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