
Friday, February 06, 2009

Take that risk

If you want great things in your life, the choice is clear. It’s time to step up to the plate and take that risk. – The Simple Dollar

To grow in any department of life taking the leap is important. Taking the courage is the first thing you have to take. Be it the choice of your stream in section B or the choice of training or the choice of opting for job instead of higher education or the choice of changing your job.

If you are given two choices staying put and not deciding is not a choice. Higher rewards come with risks. So if you are faced with a decision. Take stock and decide. Decision is the choice that you will make. If you don’t decide then you are at the risk that you will follow the decisions other people or circumstances will make for you.

As I was working in NAL as project engineer, I had this opportunity at a software firm to code in Fortran, that was one decision I needed to make that time. My mentor at NAL wanted me to go for an aerospace related job, mine inclination wanted the freedom that comes with earning decent money and the ability to explore the field of software development that I was passionate about.  I was torn between working in an engineering service related jobs many of my friends were joining and the lure of developing software that made all this possible. My natural inclination that time was to delay the decision but fortunately I couldn’t and i decided to go with the job and opted it. And I am happy I did so because I shined in that job and when I left the company after two years I was the revered team member of team and had the invaluable experience of working in a software company.

It was unique and had helped me grow and learn. That time I knew I was taking a risk of migrating to software where I had studied for aerospace engineering but I wanted that experience and I am glad I did it and now at a new job my skills and the experience is helping me a lot.

To achieve great things, the choice is simple take the leap.

In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.   Roosevelt, Theodore

In the moment of decision, a choice whether wrong or right is much better than no decision at all.