
Thursday, February 05, 2009

AMAeSI results and the scorllbar at AeSI’s website


It’s February and for the student of AMAeSI it’s the time to check on the scrolling text bar at the all new shiny site of aerosocietyindia. I have no idea when the date of AMAeSI exams results will be but it’s certain that it will be in and around the date of GATE 2009!!

So buckle up guys and gals. When I was in your stage, this time rumors of AeSI exams results announced were everyday events. SMS were rampant and anyone you meet asked “Result kab aa raha hai?” And there was always this reply someone called Mr. Goyal and he said AeSI results will be out on 10th  or 2nd Tuesday of this month!!!

And this person who called will always be a friend of a friend and so… So keep your eyes fixed on that scrollbar of AeSI’s website.

Anyways enjoy this anxiety filled period. I bet you will miss this too.