
Sunday, January 25, 2009


Last night as I was looking at the aerospace jobs that sends me every week, I noticed a queer stuff. Out of 9 jobs it listed, 5 of design requirement mentioned UG or unigraphics as the CAD program of choice.

So this made me think about the post I did regarding who is most popular in Indian aerospace scene catia solid works or ug? It seems like UG is the choicest CAD program now seeing by the job listing.

Is it true or its just an abrasion. Do tell me how many UG related jobs have you encountered recently. I know GE is using Unigraphics and there are many others firms using it.

Do tell us what you mostly use in your organization? Does UG figures in your organization?

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Tools Used By Aerospace Engineers!!

All about Catia on my aesi

Learn more about Unigraphics here