
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Attitude determines your Altitude

altitude Regardless of what marks you have or what percentage you have scored in your degree. Its your attitude that will define the placement you get. The companies you work for or the work you do.

Yes you have heard this many times but nevertheless its true. Countless good marks students lay barren while many with average percentage are in great positions. What separates them is the attitude, the thought process behind there actions. The positive attitude behind their actions.

Mr. B, I know, is an average student of AeSI but now he is in a managerial position and doing very well, same goes a Mr. M. I know he was casual in his studies and was the most fun loving guy I saw but  now he is the envy of many of his friends.

Both of them were average students and didn’t had the brightest marks in the subjects of AeSI, but what both of them share is the risk taking appetite, gala for life and a positive attitude.

The difference between average and exceptional is in the thinking. so always remember the dictum 'your attitude will determine your altitude'