
Friday, January 30, 2009

Organization Success what’s the relation

Organization is the real deal. If you can organize well you can succeed in any project, any task, any assignment that you take.

Be it subject assignment, work assignment, or personal project.

Organizing is the line between success and failure. A school assignment will only come through if you take logical steps and cut the original tasks into byte sized chunks.

Same way a big requirement of client can't be done in one iteration, you need to break things up, organize them, and then divide into small chunks and execute those. Most of us stop at the first steps.

But its the guy who organizes and follows those little tasks is the one who succeed. Success is in the little steps you take, one big step is culmination of lot of small steps. So don't fail to take small steps. What ever be your project, goal or assignment remember the only way to complete or make it a success is to take it up and begin doing one small or big step at a time.

Some of the posts that I wrote taking the small steps mentioned.