
Friday, January 09, 2009

Connect with myaesi via friend connect

google-friendconnect I have been waiting for this for a couple of weeks but I resisted in announcing about it since AeSI exams were so here is it now.

you might have heard about Google friendconnect. Well if you haven’t then its a technology via which you can use the my-aesi and you can interacted with me and each other via my-aesi blog.

  • Anyone can join the site with one click by using their existing Google, Yahoo and other accounts.
  • You can evangelize for your site by inviting your friends and publishing their activities to their social networks.

Now it will help you share good stuff, you can comment on my-aesi and other blogs of site you add in you. it will unleash your network and if your are pretty active on net then it will help you to have wide network of friends.

so here's the link to join. Check the right sidebar and search for “Connect with My-AeSI”, you join the social network of myaesi. my reason for creating it to unite all students and graduate members of AeSI at one place and have a common place where we all are interconnected and can share our knowledge and concerns about AeSI and other stuff that affect us.

The beauty of the whole system is that you don’t need to make a separate login or passward, your existing login will work. So come join and lets spread our creed!!!