
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Type of questions asked in GATE and why knowing them will help you?


gate-2009 GATE is all about concepts and its application. All about getting to the basics!! And another advice that surfaces if one looks for studying for gate is do lots of questions.

Why?  Why do lot of questions?

well let me answer,this is just my wild idea, I would like to love to hear what’s your take on this in comments?

Why people say previous year question helps. one main reason that previous years question is that they make you aware of the type of questions that come. So effectively. this exercise of taking questions means you train your mind to find the type of questions that come in the gate exams.

So why not analyze the type of questions that you get in GATE. What will be the benefit.? Well for one your mind will know the type of questions and when you study for the GATE 2009 exams, your mind will subconsciously or consciously try to retain the information and match the patter that you are studying to possible questions that might come in GATE

so here are the types of questions that are asked in GATE

(i) Recall:

These are based on facts, principles, formulae or laws of the discipline. The candidate is expected to be able to obtain the answer either from his/her memory of the subject or at most from a one-line computation

(ii) Comprehension:

These questions will test the candidate?s understanding of the basics of his/her field, by requiring him/her to draw simple conclusions from fundamental ideas.

(iii) Application:

In these questions, the candidate is expected to apply his/her knowledge either through computation or by logical reasoning.

(iv) Analysis and Synthesis:

These can be linked questions, where the answer to the first question of the pair is required in order to answer its successor. Or these can be common data questions, in which two questions share the same data but can be solved independently of one another.

So these are the four type of questions that you will face in gate. Once you know them, you are better prepared to study for it.

Hope this helps everyone who are studying for GATE!! Tell me how you study for gate?

related : All about GATE 2009