
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Waiting for aesi exam results read this inspiring email from Bishnujee

Are you waiting for the AeSI exams results. I think everyone who has given AeSIexams in June 2008 is waiting for them. A while back bishnujee mailed an inspiring email regarding this time. So i am re printing it here as it contains some solid advice that every AeSI students should keep in mind.

Many happy returns of the day. I know you guys must be waiting for your results anxiously at moment because AeSI results are around the corner. Just advise for you guys that if you pass the subject,get going with your next target and if you miss any subject,just forget that if you have appeared before in that subject and start as fresh.I know it too difficult to prepare again.Then AeSI Coursework is made like that and sometimes if you are unlucky you might get question on calculations from Rocket propulsion which you will struggle to locate in any book. I am aware of that. Hopefully this sort of error in question paper is supposed to be sorted out in future.

Also another thing I wish to inform you guys just when I advise you regarding studies or placement or how to go about doing with it in your career. Its only my personal experience and it upto you to follow it in your life or not. I advise based on my past experience since I did my AeSI ,after my X standard when I when I was still studying for XI,I appeared in Studentship Examination and got success with it in AeSI when I passed all 5 subjects at one go and still was in XI.So I didn't look back and went ahead with Section A where I had measure how much study was expected of me and I went ahead that time with passing Section A in June and December session together in 1 year and then Section B in 3 Semester. Thus due to shortage of time frame,I may had to put that extra bit effort to make up by studying prolonged hours which scared my best friends. Then things never come easy in life and we all have to do very hard work. Always do take pride in whatever you do in life. I have seen that those qualities make you competitive in life and its very important that you build up this quality in life because its foundation of success and how you do well in life in future.

AeSI or any institute is not good or bad,its the student who studies is good or bad and make marks in Aerospace community by his dedication.If you study honestly towards your goal,no one can stop you from achieving your aim. Just message to all AeSI students and Engineer that I am always there behind you in all your mission and goals. Always remember that on 10 Nov 2003 one AeSI Engineer was recipient of restigious British Cayley Award 2003 chosen by all British Aerospace Industries together from Her Majesty Queen at Buckingham Palace in London.That was the most memorable day in my life and its always once in life time achievement which every Aerospace Engineer dreams of.

Best wishes to all of you

Bishnujee Singh

Also Read : 3 steps to jump start your semester