
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Remember these 3 Things before Heading for Training.

After AeSI results, some of the students of AeSI will begin thinking about the training in NAL, HAL, GTRE or any other institutions in Bangalore. So here are three things I think every training aspirant of AeSI should ponder before heading for the training in aerospace.

  • Call and begin your training process from Chennai. I am talking about Chennai because it’s the place I began my journey. The point here is before getting to the training place which is most probably is Bangalore. Begin the calling process from via phone. Enquire about the places you are interested, get contact numbers of the people you can contact for the training. Begin it from your place so that when you are in city of your training, you have enough leads to follow up and get started immediately. Be sure to check this post from kripa for some relevant numbers.

  • Be clear about your motivation for training. Is it for software’s or applying your knowledge or for getting a feel of working on your preferred software’s. What is it you want to do it? Know and write about that!

  • Remember this most important fact, its training for you but for the scientist you will work for, it’s real work. Be prepared to learn and deliver the work assigned to you. Its real work and results as concrete as cement is needed from you. So keep this in your mind.

Hope these 3 points help you give a great start for your training mission. Don’t forget to check the other articles related to training that I have written from time to time.

Related : Is training really necessary for AeSI graduates