
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Exam stress busting tips.

Exam times are here and i have seen from my experience that we, the students, often panic before an exam because we are so worried about our performance. This makes it even harder to do well. What should we do? This is the topic i wanted to explore/ Though in my previous post "de-stress before you the examination hall" i have highlighted some of the tips that i had from my experience of taking AeSI exams.

Today i went to net for the tips and i found an excellent resource for fighting pre-exam stress. The tips are arranged in three categories, general exam tips, tips for revision and tips in the examination hall. you can read them here. This is the high light of the page.

General exam stress-busting tips:
Believe in yourself.
Don’t just worry – take action!
Talk to a friend
Don’t put yourself under too much pressure

Tips for the revision period:
Time is of the essence!
Play is as important as work.
Take a break.
Another cuppa? Don't think so.
Eat some ‘superfoods’.
Give your body a workout (as well asyour mind).
A change is as good as a rest.
Experiment with several alternative revision techniques so that revision is more fun and your motivation to study is high. Check out these revision techniques:

Tips for keeping calm during the exam:
Try to avoid panic.
Breathe deep.
Blankety blank?
If your mind goes blank, don't panic
Don’t dwell on past exams.