
Friday, May 16, 2008

A unique revision system i learnt from my school teacher

Since exams i the focus of this month, so here's one more exam tip. This one related to revision. In my school days i was influenced by my science and math teacher Mr. Neogi. His teaching style was uniques and i have picked up a great revision techniques that he instilled in all his students. I wrote about it in OURAeSI long back and here again i am reprinted it as i think it will be helpful for students of Aeronautical society of India for their exams.

So this is what i wrote back then in OURAeSI

With exam just around the corner, I thought of sharing a great way of revision that Mr Neogi, my class 10's science teacher taught us.

Well how many of you have seen index on the back of any standard book. I am sure no one missed it but have you ever thought that this index can be a great tool for revising particularly when your course is complete and you want to concentrate on some important topics.

This is how i do it. Lets say my flight course is completed and i have throughly read the whole syllabus!. Then what do i do. Do i continue to browse through all the notes every time i read. Well no. I just go to the index and take a topic randomly and start writing about it. This serves 3 purposes.
1. I am strengthening the concepts in that particular topic.
2. By writing i am getting my speed so that i won't grasp for speed in exams. and in my case i am getting used to the spellings for which i can put a 4th Std student to shame!!
3. Just choosing and getting to write about any randomly chosen topic give a feeling of being in exams. It not only test my preparedness but also helps to gather some extra points which i might have missed when i was having a thorough study.

Well these are the primary advantages of the system that Mr. Neogi taught us. Its great and what more it works and i don't have to depend on others for this system. Kind of a self-study ! So guys if you like it, just make it yours.

Wishing you all the best !

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