
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tips for getting the most out of revision - from OUAeSI

Examinations are round the corner. By now most of you have completed your classes and are on your way to revise the whole thing that u have gathered and learnt. so here's an article i got long time ago for getting the most out of revision.

What is revision?
Revision is the process of looking over past work as a preparation for examination. It is an activity which can produce very good results - and reduce 'exam nerves' if it is carefully planned and carried out in a systematic way. Black coffee and sleepless nights just before your exams rarely allow you to do justice to your talents!

What revision can do for you
* Extends your ability to assess your own knowledge and understanding.
* Provides an opportunity to analyse this in relation to the requirements of the examination board.
* Enables you to pass examinations and gain recognition for your talents.

Towards the end of a course, a review of your completed written work and of past examination papers will often indicate the existence of close links between examination questions and essays, assignments and project work. On this basis, you select your own best work and use it for revision. Work which has been less successful should contain advice for improvement from a tutor and this can be followed up. For example, additional reading may be required to fill in gaps of understanding or errors of fact or interpretation. This can be done and recorded briefly in the form of notes, or in a fuller addition to the original piece of work.

When you have assembled, in this way, the body of your own work upon which you can reasonably expect the examination to focus, you are ready to begin the next stage of revision.

At this point, the selection and condensation of the key ideas and information contained in your work must be undertaken. The reason for this will be clear if you remember that the time allowed to answer an examination question cannot be compared with time needed to prepare an essay, assignment or project. Again, even if it were possible to commit to memory every word you have ever written, it would not lead to success. This is because examinations are designed to probe your understanding of various aspects of a given subject and not simply to test the memory of the written work completed on a course.

Guidelines for successful revision

* Make sure you know well in advance when and where your exams will take place.
* Keep copies of all course documents, essay questions, titles of assignments, projects and reading lists on file.
* Make this the basis of your revision. Resist the temptation to try to start your course all over again from the beginning!
* Review your own assessed work, making a selection of that with the best grades.
* Compare your own work with the questions asked on past examination papers.
* At this stage, it is vital to make sure that you will have enough material to answer all the likely questions.
* If you decide to expand on what you have already got, look at less successful papers and see if you can improve them by careful editing, filling in gaps, correcting errors of fact or understanding.
* If you are really desperate for additional material, look back through your lecture notes or your class papers and build up from them bodies of knowledge relevant to examination questions.
* Reduce each piece of work to note form .

This is the material which you need to keep in mind for use in the examination room.

* Take time to practice answering examination questions.
* In the later stages of your revision, choose a question from a past paper and time yourself to answer it in one hour.
* Build this up because most exams require you to write for up to three hours at a stretch. This places great demands on your physical and mental stamina

I could have given u the link but unfortunately i don't have the link. so guys and gals best of luck for your exams and enjoy the exams!!!!!

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