
Friday, May 09, 2008

Some more do's and don't for the upcoming exams........

In my last post i talked about "Some do's and don't for the upcoming exams........" that i wrote in ouraesi club. In regards to this Mr. anshuman awasthi had replied with some more suggestions. So to keep the continutiy of the article i am posting his do and don't for the exams here.

Hope this will help you for the upcoming Aeronautical soceity's exams.

Mr. anshuman awasthi wrote

Hello guys,
I do not know how many of us are giving exams.. but what Sukhbinder
said is true to the core but the lack of writing material in
examination hall just shows the apathy of AeSI (on the contrary that
should not deter you in performing well in the exams :-)). well make
sure in advance, as sukhbinder pointed, that there is enough writing
material available.

I do not know whether it can be generalized or not but, at least in my
case, I could never prepare 100% of syllabus for the exams but then i
considered that as a part of the trade.

It is tough to handle AeSI exams we are not sure about the pattern of
the examination papers, about the examiners mentality etc.. What I am
saying be prepared mentally for any casualty viz. some unexpected
question, change of pattern etc.. In my opinion change of pattern is
the most scary thing to happen.

Prepare what you really can prepare. Study 80%-90% but be confident
about that instead of preparing 100%. Go through the old question papers.
You should know answers to all the old question.

Apply the theory of Probability. Do not leave the question which is
been asked frequently. Select any old paper, write down all the
questions on a paper. Then take another paper and keep on ticking the
questions which have been repeated and repeat the process with all the
question papers available. You will see a pattern. Now tick all those
which you have already studied. Hunt down the answers for the
questions which have been repeated every now and then but you haven't

Good Luck

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