
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

After exams what

Well results are out and this time looking at the results i found the the results were on the positive side as compared to the last time.

So what after exams. For those who have completed section A, They will come to section B , with new vigour and resolve.

And for those who had completed section B. There are plenty of options.

The one those that are coming to my mind are.

Straight to job.
Training at some organisation
Furthur studies

So whatever be your option, one thing you must keep in mind if you want to succeed.

Take pride in the degree you have completed and respect it and yourself for the efforts you have put in. Don't let other person's ignorance about the degree dull your shine.

You are a professional now, so act professional in all your dealing weather it is applying for jobs or for training

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