
Friday, January 04, 2008

Worries and confusions during training

Today someone emailed me with this following content..... Since it's the end of my project so I am pretty busy, so I forwarded the mail to my good friend kishore for the query. And he has exactly expressed my sentiments on the matter.

I am posting this email and kishore's reply so that any other person in the same situation should have the right guidance at that time.

Respected sir,

I have given my last paper of propulsion stream and I am waiting for my result. And i am working in National Aerospace laboratories as project trainee and my project is Design a single stage of transonic compressor and generate a blade profile. for this i am using Fortran95 and I developed a small program for rotor .

so I want to know whether there is scope of such coding in fortran and if I completed my graduation this time then is there opportunities to work in coding . Whether companies use to consider such a predgree experience. kindly suggest me some of the companies where I can apply.

Other thing is I got selected in InfoTech Bangalore as a Assistant design engineer

But they want me to work in Technical Publication as they have Pratt & Whitney engine.

I have to sign a bond of 3 years and they said depending upon performance they may send to Canada for on job work. so I need your suggestion which way is better whether its good to work as trainee here in NAL or grab the job.

I am in confused state of mind and unable to make decision so kindly help to make decision

Thanking you

Kishore replies.....

Dear ankush,

Well first of , I would like to wish u all the very best for your results. Now coming to your mail , well you asked 2-3 questions , your first question is that whether there is enough scope for FORTRAN coding these days or not.

First of all by going through what you have written in ur mail , I believe you are doing some decent work in NAL as project trainee. Another thing is that although FORTRAN is considered as a old scientific programming language but in the recent time , during last two years I have seen loads of requirements of FORTRAN Programmers. Mainly for the development of simulation software's used in aerospace and other engineering domains.

But I would like to add one thing from my own experience here that just having some idea about FORTRAN language and understanding FORTRAN programming are two different things. Let me tell u one thing , if u r sure that u have a sound understanding of not only FORTRAN but also the programming concept and not just the language , there are enough opportunities available outside. Just remember this same thing applies not just to Fortran but to everything u r doing.

I believe the combination of work u r doing (i.e. turbomachinery + programming ) is in much demand , just be very confident about whatever u r saying u know. If u r working on turbomachinery like compressors then try to expand ur understanding of it and atleast be very confident about the basics.

Next thing is that ask one question to urself that if the money factor is removed then are you happy with the kind of work you r doing in NAL and do u think that u r learning something new. If yes then my personal opinion is that please spend some time in NAL and complete your learning process because after NAL u will not get much opportunity to learn so don't worry about the predegree experience thing , just concentrate on what u r doing and learn it fully, use ur time in NAL, don't waste a single hour coz this time in NAL will take u to places in future. I have seen many previous students just like u who did the same kind of project which u r doing in NAL , they worked hard and impressed everyone with their efforts and today all of them are well settled and doing very well and offcourse earning very well also.

So stop worrying and don't get confused. U r about to become an engineer, so be very confident n try to feel the work u r doing.

Now as far as joining InfoTech for technical documentation is concerned then there are ways of looking at this . if u r in a very serious financial crisis and the situation is like u need money at any cost then u can join anything offcourse technical documentation also and earn money . but if r not in that kind of situation then I would advise u not to join infotech for technical documentation and spend some more time in NAL. After doing ur project in NAL successfully u will definitely get much better opportunities , I m sure about that.

If InfoTech offers u job in any other domain like engine division or design department then I can say ok join but in my opinion don't go for technical documentation now. I believe u still have time to give ur future a much better shape.

Look a job is a job but technical documentation is certainly not a very creative type of job. And in longer run I can tell u from my experience that no matter how much u earn but it is the kind of work u do which brings the satisfaction. If u r not doing the job which u feel is exciting and interesting then u may loose ur energy and confidence and even u may loose respect among your peers.

So u r at the right stage to decide what kind of work u want to do in future , just imagine urself in that environment and start working towards the realization of that environment. If u put a little effort everyday, u will definitely get it.

The companies in which u can try for (Fortran + turbomachinery )are:

1: GE

2: Geometric softwares

3: NOUS infosystems (though not in turbo machinery)

4: Honeywell (mainly ask for C programmers + turbomachinery knowledge)

5: Infotech

6: SAFRAN and many others.

Another suggestion is that keep track of market requirements and start preparing urself don't wait for any call , prepare urself in every aspect in which an engineer should be prepared.

Again I wish u all the very best for all ur future adventures.

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