
Friday, February 02, 2007

Cochin chalo

Italian traveler Nicolas Conti wrote in his travelogue: "China is where you make your money, then Cochin is surely the place to spend it." Well this is the very place the Aeronautical Society of India is organizing its AGM!!! I have never been to Kerala and this AGM in cochin has provide me the opportunity to explore this enchanting state. You mention Kerela and my mind pictures, coconut tree clad river banks and small brownish black boats meandering in them.



Apart from seeing this beautiful city, I am looking forward to meet my fellow aesian's there. It’s great to meet and know about each other. For this reason I think not only the awardees but rest of the folks should come to the AGm's as they help us know and connect to each other. We didn't get this opportunity while we were students but now in AGM, it’s a good place for networking. Orkut is great in online networking but an offline networking opportunity like this coupled with the chance to hear from the leaders of Indian  aerospace is worth grabbing. So guys and gals who are in double mind, make sure you set your foot in kochi! I know that it will be more worthy than the one weekend that you will spend in!!!