
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

AGM @ kochi on 18th and 19th

Hi folks


So have you begun planning your trip to the AGM of AeSI’s! Well I have and including my roommate and friend we are all planning a 3 days break in Cochin. The scheduled dates for the AGM are 18th an 19th. 19th is Monday and we all have office so we won’t be staying there for that day. We will be there on the 18th when we will be getting our awards and then we will fly back!!!



Our visit will begin on Friday night and we will be back by Monday morning to greet our respective bosses in the office J.


I know many of you are thinking of skipping it? Well many people do but hey man, you get your degree certificate once in a lifetime so why loose an opportunity to receive it in a formal way. You always have received your exam mark sheets that way, so not try getting the degree certificates in a ceremony. Don’t listen to what seniors say. Last time people got their degrees like a real convocation ceremony minus the black gown and cap, so why miss it now. You know, just saying you are proud to be an aesian’s is not enough. Declare it by going to the AGM, attend it and show the world!!!


People respect those who respect themselves, show have some respect for the degree you have worked so hard and then see people will begin respecting the degree you will take. Come there and join us!!!!



One more thing that I can tell everyone is that this time in AGM there is a high chance of aesi folks to get some opportunities, so don’t miss it. I have heard someone big in Indian aerospace might recruit 6 aesians so who knows may be you might be the one……. So come on folks its only Cochin!!!