
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Resumes and cover letters

Job hunting has now become the first priority in my life now a days, so please don't mind if i devote my most of my posts here on this ventures! Well my last interview was long back, since then none of my resume has fetched me any interview call. I've been lucky with my resume and cover letter as almost all that i've dispatched from my mail had had an response. None i guess landed up in someone's trash folder. But still there are flaws i guess, that's why i'm posting this entry still as a trainee engineer of nal. Anyways first and foremost thing i have learnt by sending resumes is that a good cover letter is must. Have seen lots of people just sending there resume with just a line "please find resume attached " as cover letter, pleas don't do that. Show your interest in the job you are applying, highlight the most important aspect of your resume in it and most importantly remember cover letters are your means to let the recruiter notice your resume that will eventually grant an interview call.! I guess enough of gyan for today. Do write about your experiences and experiments with your resumes.:-) love to hear about it.