
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

5 things i need to improve in NAL now

People have begin taking me for granted. My boss began suspecting me
of not doing work. I need to do more work and less display. I need to
Carry on the good name that is there in every one's mind in nal for

I have stopped learning and for the last 3 months i have not learnt
anything new which by any standard is bad. Worse if i look back at my
record at clocter.

I need to once again rise and be the best not in talks but in deeds. I
need to lift myself to a level of work i used to do here in NAL. I
need to learn and explore myself more. I don't enjoy teaching, i enjoy
the task of a magician. For a magician learning new tricks regularly
is the only way of survival, so i have to work on my new magic.... by
doing something new, by doing what i have not done before, by
spreading my wings and daring to jump.

It takes effort and will and i promise to apply these from now on